Sunday, January 6, 2013

MDI Day 1 Run Down

Wow, day one of MDI’s is complete!  It was strange to not have my pump.  I was continuously finding myself reaching for it, or looking to check the time and then realizing it wasn’t in my pocket.  I figure it will take a little time to remember I’m not wearing it. 
I never elaborated yesterday on exactly what my plan of action was, and for any other diabetics out there, you may be curious.  I have been reading a book that I highly recommend, “Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution,” which solidified my personal theory that after 12 years of insulin pumping, my tissue had lost quite a bit of its ability to absorb the insulin how it needs to be absorbed.  This has resulted in a steady climb in my A1c (average blood sugar over 3 months) to the highest that it has ever been, 7.3%.  It seemed that it didn’t matter what approach I was taking to try to correct this situation, because the number would only change by .1-.2% over the past few years. 
My plan now includes 3 different insulin’s; Regular, Humalog and Levimir.  Every morning I inject myself with the long acting Levimir before 7:30am.  Depending on when breakfast will be will determine if my next injection will be with Humalog or Regular.  If I plan on eating within 20 minutes of eating, Humalog it will be, longer than that I’ll take the Regular which needs to be injected 40-45 minutes before eating.  My night time long acting injection was taken at 11pm to ensure that I wouldn’t have more than 9 hours until my morning injection. 
Yesterday, I took 10 injections and did 9 finger sticks for my blood sugar.  I’m sure some people are thinking, “HOLY COW, 10 INJECTIONS,” but 4 injections are for my long acting insulin, which has been recommended via my reading to not inject more than 7 units in 1 shot, therefore my 10 units in the morning and 10 units at night, turns into a few more jabs.  I did have a 2 high readings, 1 after heavy lifting at the gym (this even happened wearing my pump) and one when I was getting close to my night time inject of my long acting insulin.  I kind of expected those 2, so I’m not that worked up over them.  I’m hoping though, over the next few weeks, I’ll work out all of the kinks.  On the nutrition end of the spectrum, I tried not to snack during the day.  I did give in however to a few nibbles on some cheese pre-dinner.  Otherwise, I stuck closely to the 6-7 carb breakfast, 12 carb lunch, and I had about 15 carbs for dinner. 
So that was the first day run down, a new experience, but an exciting experience. 
Thanks for reading and have a blessed week!

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